Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gang Bang

Sadly, this is a still topical comic. It was published in May, 23th 2007 and it was related to a gang rape made by a group of young boys against a girl of same age. Unfortunately, history repeats itself.

RIMINI, february 18th, 2008 - A 15 y.o. girl was raped by 10 boys she considered friends, all underage and from a "good family". The young boyfriend of her is one of them. The news come from a local newspaper in Rimini, where the rape happened.
The newspaper talks about an uncontrollable group who forced the girl to sexual acts against her will, no matter her desperate cry. The victim hidden the horror for a long time, bu at last she told everything to her parents.
The rape goes back to the last summer, and after the investigation, seven boys was already identified: many of them boasted of their "exploits".

(source: repubblica.it)

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